ECMI Publications

ECMI Publications Database

Universal Minority Rights: A Commentary on the Jurisprudence of International Courts and Treaty Bodies
Marc Weller
ISBN 10:
Release Date:

The development of international standards for the protection of minorities has been slow and fragmented. In the absence of a comprehensive and universal binding set of rules, the development of minority protection has been left to regional agreements and judicial interpretation of wider human rights treaties. Universal Minority Rights brings together, for the first time, the full set of all regional and international jurisprudence from courts and treaty bodies concerned with issues of minority rights. The commentary, like its companion volume The Rights of Minorities, covering the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, is arranged around ten thematic areas of investigation, including religious rights, education, cultural rights, political participation and socio-economic opportunities. Each substantive chapter offers an introduction to the issue at hand and its special relevance to minority communities, a general survey of legal standards addressing the issue, and an examination of specific problems that are being tackled through legal standards and judicial review. Each chapter concludes with an evaluation of the contribution of case-law reviewed to the development of universal standards of protection. Through an exhaustive, comparative analysis of principles and substantive rules, the commentary provides an invaluable reference point for the development of minority protection.

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Oxford University Press

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