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Participatory Mechanisms for National Minorities
Andreea Carstocea, Mindaugas Kuklys, Tove H. Malloy
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
Release Date:

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide an informed and balanced perspective on the most common mechanisms for the effective participation of national minorities to public life on the ways in which national governments across Europe have found an answer to the question of how national minorities residing on their territory can best participate to public life. 

We will do this by taking a combined approach, whereby we will first provide an overview of the relevant international legislation, followed by a discussion of some of the concepts related to participation, and then by an analysis of the most common ways of practical realization of the right to participation in public life of national minorities.

The audience we are envisioning for this Handbook is not necessarily an academic readership (although they are by no means excluded), but rather policy-makers, stakeholders within minority groups, and practitioners in the field of national minorities. The Handbook will also most probably be a helpful tool to students of political science looking for a starting point in their endeavours to learn more about this topic.

[Also available in Ukrainian. Download here]

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