ECMI Publications

ECMI Publications Database

Vol. 3: Minority rights jurisprudence digest
Alcidia Moucheboeuf
ISBN 10:
Release Date:

Minority rights jurisprudence digest is a comprehensive yet analytical classification of cases on international and regional jurisprudence on minority rights and, at present, it is the only digest of judicial practice in the area of minority rights. It provides a comparative approach to the study of minority rights jurisprudence and details the emerging international and regional standards in this field.

The work covers the principal international bodies that have issued
authoritative statements on issues of relevance to minorities. It deals with
the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (Council of Europe); the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights; the European Court of Justice (European Union); the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the International Court of Justice; the Permanent Court of International Justice and the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Materials from judgments and reports are organised according to key analytical concepts and there is a summary of all the cases cited, along with the corresponding application numbers and the list of headings under which each case has been classified.

Minority rights jurisprudence digest will prove to be of considerable importance for academics, practitioners or professionals working in the field
of minority rights, as well as for undergraduate and postgraduate students
following human rights and minority law courses.

Alcidia Moucheboeuf holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Aix-en-Provence, and a Masters degree in Human Rights from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She completed this work while working as a Research Associate at the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), in Flensburg (Germany).

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