The Minority Map and Timeline of Europe (MMTE) is an online interactive and handson research tool that provides an impartial perspective and evaluation of diverse communities, minority issues, and community relations within all states and regions of Europe. The user interface of the MMTE website – including complementary interactive and detailed maps, timelines, and analyses – provides new, varied, and interconnected ways to interpret Europe’s ethnic diversity. The MMTE utilises a visual and hands-on approach to present data and information for better comprehension of relationships and associations concerning diverse communities and the countries they are living in. To this end, the website is composed in a thematic format to promote consistency, uniformity, and comparison between entries.

First created in 2001 as the Ethnopolitical Map of Europe, in 2010 the project was re-evaluated and redesigned to reach the widest audience. Suitably, as an easy-to-use tool, the MMTE provides current and credible quantitative and qualitative information on Europe’s minorities for students and researchers, non-governmental organisations and policy-makers, and the informed public. The Minority Map and Timeline of Europe endeavours to act as a central clearinghouse website that provides information on diverse communities in a timely, straightforward, and reliable manner. Additionally, the MMTE project is intended to help develop the ECMI’s own goals and projects to better understand minority issues as well as implement corresponding programmes.

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