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Felix Schulte

Dr. Felix Schulte is Senior Researcher and head of the cluster “Conflict & Security”. His research interests are situated at the intersection of empirical conflict studies and comparative politics and focus on three areas: the emergence of conflictive mass behavior in divided societies (conflict dynamics), institutional options for regulating such conflicts in a peaceful and sustainable way (territorial self-governance and power-sharing) as well as conflictual relationships between “old” and “new” minorities in modern societies (inter-minority relations).

Felix studied political science, sociology, and history in Eichstätt, Linköping and Heidelberg. Previously, he held positions as research associate and post-doctoral researcher at Heidelberg University and Mannheim University. Felix was a guest researcher at the Åland Islands Peace Institute (Finland) and the Institute for Minority Rights at EURAC Bolzano (Italy). His work has been published by Routledge, Palgrave MacMillan, West European Politics, the International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, among others. Felix is book reviews editor of the journal Democratization (Taylor and Francis).More information can also be found here:

Selected publications

Schulte, Felix, and Christoph Trinn. 2024. “Collective Emotions, Triggering Events, and Self-Organization: The Forest-Fire Model of Cultural Identity Conflict Escalation.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 78.

Neureiter, Michael, and Felix Schulte. 2024. “A Tale of Two Logics: How Solidarity and Threat Perceptions Shape Immigrant Attitudes towards Immigration in Western Europe.” West European Politics 47(2): 280–302.

Debus, Marc, and Felix Schulte. 2024. “How Party Competition Shapes Ethnic Parties’ Positions on Migration and Immigration.” Party Politics 30(1): 126–38.

Schulte, Felix. 2023. Frieden durch Selbstbestimmung: Erfolg und Scheitern territorialer Autonomie. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Peckelhoff, Clara, and Felix Schulte. 2023. “Grievances, Policies or Clientelism? The Different Logics behind Ethnic Voting in Democracies and Autocracies.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.

Schulte, Felix, and Gene Carolan. 2023. “What’s Law Got to Do with It? How the Degree of Legalization Affects the Durability of Post-Conflict Autonomy Agreements.” Ethnopolitics.

Schulte, Felix, and Christoph V. Steinert. 2023. “Repression and Backlash Protests: Why Leader Arrests Backfire.” International Interactions 49(1): 1–30.

Schulte, Felix, and Christoph Trinn. 2022. “Self-Rule and Intrastate Conflict Risk in Divided Societies: A Configurational Analysis of Consociational Institutions.” Swiss Political Science Review 28(3): 413–32.

Trinn, Christoph, and Felix Schulte. 2022. “Untangling Territorial Self-Governance – New Typology and Data.” Regional & Federal Studies 32(1): 1–25.

Schulte, Felix. 2020. Peace through Self-Determination: Success and Failure of Territorial Autonomy. Cham: Springer International Publishing.



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