ECMI Infochannel


Publish in the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (JEMIE)

The Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (JEMIE), published by the ECMI, is welcoming submissions! Our open-access international academic journal journal is a hub for discussions on ethnicity, minority rights, and diverse societal challenges.

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ECMI Minorities Blog. Indigenous Inequalities in Egalitarian Societies: The Case of the Sámi People in Norway and Sweden

Fabian Bergmann

Many Indigenous peoples live in firmly unequal societies and face substantial material disparities towards the ethnic majority populations. Yet, inequalities between ethnic groups are usually multidimensional and go beyond material status. But are they also present when economic inequality is absent? That is, what kind of inequalities do Indigenous peoples face in societies conventionally considered egalitarian? This blog post reports on new research about the situation of the Sámi people in Norway and Sweden. It indeed supports the proposition that the Sámi are on a material par with their non-Indigenous compatriots. Nonetheless, they are more likely to experience discrimination, and these experiences are strongly linked to how proficient Sámi are in their Indigenous languages and how frequently they use them. This shows that the Sámi face inequalities especially in the dimension of cultural status. Finally, the post points out potential further inequalities in the case of the Sámi that research has yet to address.

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Interview mit einer Minderheitensprachenpromoterin

Die 15. Folge der ECMI Videoserie Conversations with Experts bot für ECMI Forscherin Ruth Kircher den perfekten Anlass, um Mirjam Vellinga zum Gespräch zu bitten. "Language promoter / Sprachenpromoterin" steht auf Mirjam Vellingas Visitenkarte und das macht natürlich neugierig: Was macht eine Sprachenpromoterin – und wie wird man das? Entstanden ist ein spannendes Gespräch zum Thema Sprachförderung von Minderheitenfragen.

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Job Announcements: Researchers

As part of its research agenda for the coming years, the ECMI is offering two researcher positions: one with a focus on studying different aspects of the national minority communities in the Denmark-Germany border region, and the other one with a specific focus on the intergroup relations and minority language issues in the Denmark-Germany border region.

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ECMI Founders