ECMI Publications

ECMI Publications Database

Compilation of Lectures: Participation of Minorities in Public Life
Alexander Osipov, Hanna Vasilevich and Stanislav Černega (eds.)
ISBN 10:
European Centre for Minority Issues
Release Date:

This handbook is a product of the project carried out in 2014-2017 by the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. The project, officially named the ECMI Eastern Partnership Programme (EPP) and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, envisaged the launch and development of a dialogue between governmental officials in charge of ethnic politics and human rights, representatives of civil society organizations, and academic experts within, as well as between, each of the three countries. The project does not relate to the Eastern Partnership as an institution initiated by the European Union (EU), but is implemented within the same Eastern Partnership geographic area – hence its name. Among the major reasons for choosing these countries were, first, the fact that all three are particularly important for European development of (as they constitute a borderland of the EU), and second, that they have a number of common features related to the ethnic composition of their populations, their linguistic background, and their internal policies addressing ethnic diversity.

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