Borders Shaping Perceptions of European Societies (B-SHAPES)
B-SHAPES is a Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action on how borders continue to be a key factor of how we understand and perceive societies. The project (2023-2026) is coordinated by University of Southern Denmark with Martin Klatt as coordinator. The ECMI is cooperating with B-SHAPES in Working Package 4: Borders shaping minorities’ perceptions of the European project, which is lead by the ECMI’s long-standing cooperation partner Eurac Research in Bozen/Bolzano, South Tyrol.
Analysis of dominant border-related narratives in minority media outlets focusing on the possible role of key de- or re-bordering events such as the 2015 humanitarian crisis and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in shaping perceptions of borders and the European project in minority communities.
Workshops with minority youth to analyse these dominant media discourses with young adults belonging to minorities to highlight how borders shape these young adults’ perceptions and how these perceptions differ from – or coincide with – dominant discourses present in prominent minority media.
Action research with young adults belonging to minorities to stimulate the creation of new knowledge and understandings about effects of re- and de-bordering processes at local level in border regions inhabited by minorities. This will be incorporated into a place- and context-specific art installation and intervention in the public space