Self-governance and power sharing

Territorial autonomy and political power-sharing schemes continue to be widely used instruments for resolving violent conflicts in divided societies. The scholarly literature features numerous studies as to why some confl ict-regulating autonomy arrangements work while others don't; how success can be measured empirically; and what lessons can be drawn for practical confl ict resolution. In our current day and age, a new variable has emerged that undermines many of these presuppositions. Democratic backsliding as well as outright autocratization has cast a shadow over the legitimacy and eff ectiveness of power-sharing arrangements. This has led in some cases to local confl icts in autonomous regions. How is the current global wave of autocratization aff ecting “minority nations”? Under what conditions does subnational autocracy result in new ethnic confl icts? What impact do various institutional designs have on these dangers? The Conflict and Security Cluster will address these issues mostly through special publications.

Ongoing Projects

  • Territorial Self-Governance in Troubled Times. Autonomy in the Face of Cultural Polarization and Subnational Autocratization


Recent Publications

Schulte, F. Frieden durch Selbstbestimmung. Erfolg und Scheitern territorialer Autonomie; Springer: Cham, 2023

Schulte, F.; Carolan, G. What’s Law Got to Do with It? How the Degree of Legalization Affects the Durability of Post-Conflict Autonomy Agreements. Ethnopolitics, 2023

Schulte, F.; Trinn, C. Self-Rule and Intrastate Conflict Risk in Divided Societies: A Configurational Analysis of Consociational Institutions. Swiss Political Sci Review 2022, 28 (3), 413–432.

Schulte, F.; Trinn, C. Why we should stop cherry-picking in the analysis of consociational institutions, 50ShadesofFederalism Blog 2021.

Schulte, F. Peace Through Self-Determination: Success and Failure of Territorial Autonomy; Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, 2020.

Trinn, C.; Schulte, F. Untangling Territorial Self-Governance–New Typology and Data. Regional and Federal Studies 2020, 1–25.




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