Official Use of Minority Languages
The use of minority languages is not only one of the central minority rights, but also one of the most problematic. Whereas the private use of minority languages seems to be uncontested throughout Europe, difficulties with public use persist to various degrees almost everywhere. This topic within the Justice and Governance cluster focuses on the existing tensions between state languages and minority languages. It examines the possibilities for persons belonging to national minorities to use their minority language in communication with public authorities, to have their personal names used in their original form, and to display topographical indications in minority languages.
- Ljubica Djordjević presented at the Nitobe Symposium “Language, Conflict, and Security”, online, 26-27 July 2021 (“Linguistic nationalism: legal status of languages/”languages” that emerged from the Serbo-Croatian”)
Presentation can be downloaded here
Project Activities:
- Document analysis for the Evaluation of the Schleswig-Holstein Law on the Promotion of National Minorities (use of minority and regional languages).
More info can be fund here.
- Djordjević, L. (2022). The legal status of languages / ‘languages’ that emerged from Serbo-Croatian. Destabilizing effects of the provisions on the official language. Language Problems and Language Planning, Volume 46, Issue 2, Nov 2022, p. 146 - 170 DOI:
- Djordjević, L. (2020). The Symbolic Power of Place Names: Why having multilingual signs can be challenging?, ECMI Minorities Blog
- ECMI Conversations with Experts, Episode 9: Traps of Official Language Policies (Prof. Dr. Igor Lakić)