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Andreea Cârstocea

Dr Andreea Cârstocea is Senior Researcher and Head of the Equality and Inclusion Cluster at the European Centre for Minority Issues. Since 2023 Andreea is also Editor of the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, ECMI’s open access academic journal.

Andreea holds a PhD in Political Science from University College London, UK (2012). Her PhD thesis researched the ‘ethno-business’ phenomenon in Romania, a series of unexpected consequences of the post-1989 system of political representation of national minorities. Andreea also holds an MA in Human Rights from University College UK, sponsored through a British Council Chevening scholarship.

Andreea’s current research interests focus on issues of social justice, in particular issues related to socio-economic participation and inclusive education. Her expertise on socio-economic participation was recently demonstrated through her engagement as key drafter of the OSCE HCNM Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Social and Economic Life (2023).

As part of her research focus on social justice, Andreea was co-investigator of the research project ‘Marginality on the Margins of Europe’, funded by the University of Leicester (2021). The project assessed the impact of the pandemic on Roma communities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Ukraine. The results of the project were published as a Special Issue in the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe.

Concerning inclusive education, Andreea contributed to the development of materials guiding Serbian authorities towards equity in education for Roma pupils as member of the project ‘Career guidance and counselling for vulnerable groups in Serbia’ funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Andreea was co-editor of the ECMI Minorities Blog (until 2023) and was interim co-director of the ECMI (September 2019-February 2020). Previously Andreea was Senior Expert at the Romanian Government’s Department for Interethnic Relations (2001-2007). Here she drafted reports and assessments on the implementation of the Romanian system for the protection of national minorities and non-discrimination. She was the manager of the 2007 ‘Take Attitude, Stop Discrimination!’ national awareness-raising programme regarding diversity and non-discrimination, funded through the European Community Action Programme to combat discrimination.

Selected publications


Andreea Cârstocea, ‘Hygienic boundaries: Roma communities and the racialisation of public health discourses during the Covid-19 pandemic’, in Social Sciences, vol.12(3), 188, 2023.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘Going viral: the moral panic constructing the Roma as a threat to public health during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic’, in ’Marginality on the Margins of Europe – The Impact of COVID-19 on Roma Communities in Non-EU Countries in Eastern Europe’, Special Issue, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, vol.21(2), pp.57-80, 2022.

Andreea Cârstocea, Craig Willis, ‘Research Report on the Socio-economic Participation of National Minorities’, commissioned by the OSCE HCNM, 2021.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘Advancing Economic and Social Rights, Including Education, in the Context of European Minorities – International Developments in 2021’, European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 20, 2021.

Andreea Cârstocea, Ljubica Djordjevic, Polina Sulima, Talente Entdecken & Fördern. Über die Unterstützung von benachteiligten Jugendlichen im Übergang von Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, 2019.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘(Un)friendly School Environments? Bullying and Microaggressions as a Cause for Roma Children’s Academic Underachievement’, ECMI Working Paper 107, 2018.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘National Minorities and Socioeconomic Equality: Still Work in Progress’, ECMI Issue Brief 41, 2018.

Andreea Cârstocea, Raul Cârstocea, The Roma in Moldova. An overview of key challenges and relevant policies, ECMI Issue Brief series, 2017.

Andreea Cârstocea, 'Review of the 2014 Monitoring Process of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities', European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 13, 2016.

Andreea Cârstocea, Mindaugas Kuklys, Tove H. Malloy, ‘Participatory Mechanisms for National Minorities’, ECMI Handbook, 2015.

Andreea Cârstocea, 'Democracy, participation, and empowerment', in Tove Malloy, ed., Minority Issues in Europe: Rights, Concepts, Policy, Frank&Timme Verlag, Berlin, 2013.

Andreea Cârstocea, 'Accountability and political representation of national minorities: a forgotten link? Evidence from Romania', ECMI Working Paper 65, April 2013.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘”Ethno-business”: the unexpected consequence of national minority policies on the political system in Romania’, in Zdenka Mansfeldova, Heiko Pleines (eds.): Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe. Changing Europe Series vol. 8, Ibidem Publishers, Stuttgart, 2011.

Andreea Cârstocea, ‘Ethno-business: A Case of Failed Minority Policies?’, in Tul'si Bhambry, Clare Griffin, Titus Hjelm, Christopher Nicholson and Olga G. Voronina (eds.): Transformation and Transition in Central, Eastern Europe and Russia. Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe No. 8, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 2011.

Selected projects and research funding
  • 2021 OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
    Research Report on the Socio-economic Participation of National Minorities
  • 2020 University of Leicester, QR Global Challenges Research Fund
    Grant for the research project ‘Marginality on the Margins of Europe – The Impact of COVID-19 on Roma Communities in Non-EU Countries in Eastern Europe
  • 2016 German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG
    Grant for Conference ‘What’s in a Name? Extending the Existing Scope of Protection for National Minorities to Migrant Communities in Europe
  • 2013 Think Tank Fund and Roma Initiatives Office of the Open Society Foundations
    Grant for three Roma Policy Research Fellowships at ECM
  • 2007 European Commission
    Grant for developing and implementing the ‘Take Attitude, Stop Discrimination!’ National Programme in Romania

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