ECMI entrance

Ljubica Djordjević

Dr. Ljubica Djordjević is a Senior Researcher and head of the cluster Justice and Governance. Being a constitutional lawyer, her main research interests focus on European and national legal frameworks, implementation of minority rights, indicators and ethnic data, institutional frameworks, as well as minority language rights.

Ljubica holds a PhD and a LL.M. Eur. Integration both from the Faculty of Law, TU Dresden (Germany), and a LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, University in Niš (Serbia). Before joining the ECMI she was an associate professor in public law at the Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies (FEPPS) in Novi Sad (Serbia). At the FEPPS she held the posts of the vice-dean (2011-2017) and the chairman of the public law department (2014-2017). Ljubica is a member of the Serbian Association for Constitutional Law, and a member of the National Minority Council of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia. She was active in the Ethnicity Research Center based in Belgrade.

Supported by the Slovak National Scholarship Program, from January till March 2017 Ljubica was researching minority protection in Slovakia at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. In the summer term 2017, Ljubica was teaching the course “Minority Protection” as an Eleonore Trefftzt Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the TU Dresden.

Besides Serbian (mother tongue) Ljubica is fluent in English and German.

Selected publications

Djordjević, L. (2018). Participation of National Minorities in Social and Political Life of Serbia. Belgrade: Ethnicity Research Center.

Malloy, T., Djordjević, L., and Mekahal, N. (2018). Strengthening the Protection of National Minorities in Ukraine: Executive Structures and Specialized Dialogue Mechanisms in an International Perspective. Council of Europe. Available at

Djordjević, L. (2014). Europeanization of a Constitutional State. State in the Context of the Membership in the European Union. Novi Sad: Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies.

Djordjević, L. (2020). Legal Aspects of Processing of National Affiliation Data in Serbia. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Vol. 19, No. 2. pp. 76-106. 

Djordjević, L. (2019). Administrative-Territorial Reform through Municipal Amalgamation and the Protection of National Minorities: European Standards and a Few Examples. ECMI Working Paper #115, May 2019.

Djordjević, L. (2019). Consultative Bodies as Channels for Minority Participation in Public Affairs, in: Tove H. Malloy, Caitlin Boulter (eds.), Minority Issues in Europe: New Ideas and Approaches. Volume 2. Berlin: Frank & Time, 2019. pp. 197-228.

Djordjević, L. (2019). Commentary: The Law on Protection of National Minorities in the Republic of Albania. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe Vol 18, No 1. pp. 53-69.

Djordjević, L. (2018). The FCNM at 20: Is There Indeed a Crisis?. ECMI Issue Brief #42.

Djordjević, L. (2018). Local Bodies for Interethnic Relations in the Western Balkan States. ECMI Working Paper #106

Djordjević, L., Malloy, T.H. (with Černega, S.). (2017). Drafting Domestic Legislation Provisioning National Minority Rights: The Dos and Don’ts According to the Council of Europe, ECMI Research Paper #104.


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