CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshop “Understanding Cultural Conflict and Conflict Dynamics: The Role of Collective Emotions”


We are delighted to announce the upcoming workshop on “Understanding Cultural Conflict and Conflict Dynamics: The Role of Collective Emotions” at The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Flensburg, Germany, on 20-21 October 2023. The workshop aims to bring together scholars and researchers from various disciplines interested in investigating the role of collective emotions in explaining cultural, i.e., ethnic, religious, and linguistic, conflict or related phenomena.

This workshop aims to examine how collective emotions contribute to the escalation of intrastate cultural conflicts and facilitate discussion on recent advancements in theoretical and methodological approaches pertaining to this topic. We seek research papers focusing on collective emotions as an independent variable in understanding cultural conflicts. Our preference is for empirical works that showcase original and innovative methodological approaches. We welcome submissions from various disciplines, including but not limited to political science, sociology, psychology, and history.

The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2023. We invite authors to submit their abstracts (max. 300 words) or full papers, along with a brief bio, to Felix Schulte and Selected papers will be presented at the workshop and considered for publication in a special issue of a journal or edited volume.

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions. We extend a special invitation to female researchers and researchers with minority backgrounds to submit their abstracts. Selected participants will be notified by the end of May. The workshop will be conducted in English and is free of charge.

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